LINC Mental Health & Wellbeing

LINC is a mental health and wellbeing provider in Jersey, working across the public and private sector. We aim to improve access, challenge stigma, champion multi-agency working and promote recovery for those affected by poor mental health.

How does your organisation contribute to preventing suicide and supporting those affected by it?

We run a weekly group, LINCcommunity, that is co-produced and co-delivered by those with lived experience and professionals.  It is free to access and open to any adult affected by poor mental health with the aim of providing social opportunities, preventing isolation and creating a safe, non-judgemental space.

We contribute to island-wide and government-led strategy and steering groups to develop and implement innovative services for islanders.

We provide both professional and peer services with minimal waiting times, ensuring support is available at the time of need.

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What are your current priorities?

– Improve multi-agency working

– Improve access to talking therapies

– Champion the value of lived experience in the context of mental health

– Introduce innovative services that provide the community with greater choice and opportunities to connect

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What challenges are you currently facing?

We have some unique challenges in Jersey, being a small island and community. Recruitment and retainment of an appropriately trained and experienced workforce can be difficult. Historically, collaborative working and multi-agency approaches could have been better at times but are improving. The mental health system here recently underwent a scrutiny review which generated several recommendations to improve mental health and wellbeing, and challenges now relate to implementing these successfully.

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