Achieve together

Achieve Together is one of the UK’s leading providers of support for people with learning disabilities, autism and associated complex needs. We are dedicated to empowering individuals, enabling them to develop skills for life and healthy relationships, as well as supporting them to boost their confidence and self esteem.

How does your organisation contribute to preventing suicide and supporting those affected by it?

Developing individual Safety Plans, with the people we support. Training around Community of Practice,

PBS plans

Internal Risk Register, and Internal Risk Panel to discuss ongoing organisational support responses around dynamic risk

Moving towards adherence to Self Harm and Suicide Prevention Competence Framework

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What are your current priorities?

Developing proactive capabilities internally, particularly around people with emotionally unstable personality disorders.

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What challenges are you currently facing?

Expanding knowledge and skills in supporting people who have a learning disability/are autistic and who also have Personality Disorder(s)

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